When will I receive a regular payment activity alert?
The regular payment activity alert will be sent to you if a new standing order is setup or an existing standing order is amended on your account.
The alert will be sent to the device that we have on our records. Dependent on network and whether your phone is on, you should receive the alert after the regular payment activity on the next working day.
If you have provided us with a valid UK mobile number, then you will automatically receive activity alerts. If you have not yet provided us with your mobile number, you can do this using Digital Banking, telephone banking or by visiting one of our branches.
The easiest way to amend your alert preferences is in the 'Alerts' section of Digital Banking. You can also manage your alerts by visiting one of our branches.
If you have received a regular payment activity alert and you don't recognise the transaction or the activity on your account, please call telephone banking immediately.
Telephone banking
03457 242424 (overseas +44 131 5498888)
Relay UK: 18001 03457 242424
Open 7 days a week 8am-8pm (Automated service 24/7).
Calls may be recorded.
Call charge information.