Banking with Royal Bank

How to use the Royal Bank app

App available to customers aged 11+ using compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries.

How to register for the app

What you'll need

  • Your UK or international (in specific countries) mobile number. We'll use this to text you an activation code. 
  • Your full name, date of birth and post code. 
  • Your account number and sort code. 
  • Your 16-digit debit card number. 


Step-by-step guide:

  1. 01

    Open the Royal Bank app and tap 'I already have an account' to get started. We'll then ask you to read and accept our terms.

  2. 02

    Enter your Digital Banking customer number. If you don't have this, then tap 'Can't find your customer number'.

  3. 03

    Enter the requested characters from your Digital Banking PIN and password. If you don't have these, tap 'Can't find your secure details?'

  4. 04

    Confirm your mobile number and enter the activation code texted to you. If your mobile number is incorrect, you can change this in Digital Banking and return to the app in 3 days to finish registering.

  5. 05

    Choose a passcode to log in to the app. If your device has fingerprint log in or Face ID, you can choose to log in with that later.

  6. 06

    Congratulations, you're all done! When you log in, tap 'Help' at the bottom if you have any questions.

Set up FingerPrint log in or Face ID

What you'll need:

  • You'll need a compatible device. 
    • For Touch ID, your mobile needs to be at least iPhone 5s running iOS 10.0 or above. For an iPad, this needs to be iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad 3 mini, or a later model. 
    • For FaceID, you need an iPhone X or a later model, or an iPad Pro with Face ID capability (2018 onwards). 
    • For FingerPrint Logon, you need a compatible mobile running Android 6.0 or higher. FingerPrint logon may not work on some tablets. 
  • If you don't already have Touch ID/ Android FingerPrint set up on your device, you'll need to do that first. Then, follow our step-by-step guide to get this set up on your Royal Bank app.


Step-by-step guide:

  1. Open your Royal Bank app and log in with your PIN.
  2. Select 'My Profile' at the top of the page. 
  3. From the profile menu, select 'Settings', then 'Touch ID', 'Face ID' or 'Android Fingerprint'. It will show the option relevant to your device. 
  4. Toggle on 'Enable Touch ID', 'Enable Face ID' or 'Enable Android Fingerprint' and then tap 'Done'. 
  5. When prompted, log out. Don't worry, this is for your security. Log in again using your PIN. 
  6. Next time you log in to the Royal Bank app, you will be able to log in securely through your fingerprint or Face ID. 

Benefit from the basics

Update your app

Follow the steps for your device. After completing, your phone will automatically update apps whenever an update is released. Please be aware that switching on auto updates on your device will automatically update all apps on your device and not just your Royal Bank app.

Apple devices

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down and tap 'App Store'.
  3. Under 'Automatic Downloads', toggle on 'App Updates'.

Android devices

  1. Open the Google Play Store.
  2. Tap on the menu icon at the top left of the screen and then tap 'Settings'.
  3. Select Auto-update apps then select to update Over Wi-Fi only (you can choose to change this).
  4. Go back and tap the menu icon at the top left of the screen and then tap on 'My apps & games'. This will show you all the apps on your phone that currently need updating. 
  5. Select 'Update all' or select individual apps to update. 

Manage your bills with ease

Standing orders are set up and controlled by you. They're often used for set amounts, like rent payments. With a direct debit, the company receiving the money is responsible for setting things up. These are normally used for bills that can vary, and are covered under the Direct Debit Guarantee scheme if a payment is taken in error. 

Standing orders

What you'll need:

  • Access to the Royal Bank mobile app.


Step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in to the Royal Bank app.
  2. Select the account you want to set up the standing order to come from and select the 'Standing Orders' section. 
  3. Select 'Create Standing Order' to add a new standing order.
  4. Tap on 'Choose person or business'' and then 'Pay someone new' or select a payee from the list.
  5. To pay someone new, enter the payee's name, account number and sort code, and then 'Continue'.
  6. To pay someone existing, choose from the payee list provided - either to a payee, company, or between your own accounts. 
  7. Follow the on screen steps to set up the description, amount and payment intervals. Review and confirm the details. 
  8. If the standing order is to a new payee you will need to complete biometric approval. If you are registered for biometrics, you will then authenticate the standing order and complete set up. If you are not registered for biometrics you will be given the option to register and complete the standing order set up. 
  9. If the standing order is to an existing payee, you will review and complete set up of the standing order. 
  10. Once new payees have been authenticated with biometrics, you can review and complete the set up of your standing order.

We require at least 3 working days' notice to amend your standing order online, however you can amend a standing order due within the next 2 working days by contacting Telephone Banking or visiting a branch. 

Direct debits

What you'll need:

  • Your name and address.
  • The name and address of your bank.
  • Your bank account number.
  • Your sort code.
  • The name(s) shown on your bank account.


Step-by-step guide:

  1. Contact the company you want to send regular payments to.
  2. They'll ask you to confirm your details by filling in a direct debit mandate.
  3. Complete the mandate, sign it and return it.
  4. The company will then get in touch with us to create your direct debit.

Direct debits take between 5 and 10 days to set up, depending on the company. A new direct debit will only show in Royal Bank Digital Banking once the first payment is taken. 

How the app can help

Know your balance

The quickest way to check your balance and transactions. No ATM's required.

Safe and secure

Stay safe and secure with fingerprint and facial recognition on selected devices.

Make payments

Pay people with their account details, phone number, or your saved payees. Criteria applies.

Take control

Manage your regular payments, set budgets and see where your money is going.

Need a hand with your app?

There is lots of extra help available to get the most out of your mobile app. Book yourself a Digital Lesson or see if our virtual assistant, Cora, can help. 

Digital Lessons

Face to face Digital Lessons can help you learn how to use the mobile app and Digital Banking.

We use a video communications company called Zoom to provide safe and secure video calls. If you are joining on your phone or tablet, you'll need to download the Zoom app to take part in our Digital Lessons.

Ask Cora

Have you met Cora, our virtual assistant?

Cora can help you with a wide range of queries, from questions on pending transactions to cancelling Direct Debits.

You can find Cora in your mobile app by tapping 'Help' followed by 'Message us'.

Discover more about the Royal Bank app

Download the Royal Bank app

Check out our step-by-step guide to get yourself up and running with the app.

Feel confident banking on the app

When you're in the app, we want you to feel confident using it. Discover even more of the features the app has to offer.

Register for Digital Banking

Not yet ready for the app? Royal Bank Digital Banking also lets you do your everyday banking from the comfort of your sofa.

Frequently asked questions