
I have two accounts but only one Annual summary, why is that?

I have two accounts but only one Annual summary, why is that?

There are a number of reasons why you may not have received an Annual summary for one of your accounts:

  • Your account has been open for less then a year
  • An Annual summary is not available on your type of account (only available on personal current accounts)
  • An Annual summary is produced on the anniversary of your current account being opened and this date may not be the same for all of your accounts

If an Annual summary is available for your current account(s) you can view it on Digital Banking:

  1. Log in to Digital Banking at digitalbanking.rbs.co.uk (opens in a new window)
  2. Select `Statements` from the main menu
  3. Under `Your accounts` select `View, save and print PDF statements (up to 7 years)`
  4. Select an account from the list and then `Next`
  5. Select the Annual summary and then `View Statement`