After graduation

Preparing for life after university

Life after university

The last few months of university can be stressful. You’ll be glad all the studying and exams are over, but the end of university also throws up its own set of challenges. The campus is a bit of a bubble and you do need to prepare yourself for the real world.

If you're about to graduate, we've got some advice to help you get ready for the challenges ahead.

Take a look at your finances

Taking a step back and looking at your finances could really help you to feel in control and stay on top of your spending. A free Financial Health Check with one of our staff is a great way to do that. They can go through your day-to-day spending and help you with ideas on how you could make your money work harder.

Tools to help you plan ahead

Savings goal tool

Set up a savings goal to help you save for a house, car or holiday.

Salary calculator

Work out what your take home pay is each month after tax.

Budget calculator

Use our calculator to help you budget at university.

Life after university

Prepare for your first job

We have some excellent interview tips for graduates, helping you to find your first job. Interested in working for yourself? We have something for you too.

Thinking about travelling?

You've just spent years studying, you want to relax, see the world and go travelling. Our travel life moments can provide you with some travel top tips. 

What to do after university?

Not sure what to do after university? You're not alone, it's common for recent graduates to feel a bit lost after leaving university. Contributing factors include moving back in to the family home and moving away from uni friends, it can all be a little deflating. Here are a few things you could focus on in the first few months after graduation to get you on track.

Prepare for your first job

Check out our interview tips to help you land your first job. More interested in working for yourself? We've got the resources you need to help you get your idea off the ground.

Treat yourself to a trip

You've just spent years studying, now you want to relax or see the world and go travelling. Our travel Life Moments has lots of top travel tips.

Get the right account for life after uni

We want to make you're using the right current account once you graduate. Our current accounts provide flexibility to help you manage your money as simply as possible.