Fraudsters can fit devices onto ATMs (sometimes called cash machines) to steal your bank cards or details. Follow these tips to stay safe.
Look around: if you notice anything strange about the ATM such as loose or unusual attachments, report it to the cash machine operator. Be aware of people who may try to steal your card or pin. If you feel unsafe, don’t use it.
Protect your PIN: always cover your pin with your hand when using an ATM. Make sure your PIN isn’t a number that is easy to guess, like your birth date or year.
Call us: if your card is stuck in the ATM. Stay near the ATM until you get speaking with us. Save the number on the back of your card into phone contacts in case of any urgent situations.
Verify transactions: check your account regularly to make sure that you recognise all your payments. If you notice anything suspicious, call us using the number on the back of your card.
Stay informed: stay up to date on the latest scams by visiting My Security Profile in the help section of your mobile app.
How to spot ATM fraud
Criminals use different technology to steal your cards and information. Here are the most common tricks.
Skimming: an ATM could be fitted with a device inside the card slot that steals your bank details. There may also be a hidden camera near the PIN pad to try and capture your PIN number. Fraudsters will then use those details to make transactions from your account.
Card trapping: fraudsters can fit a device inside the card slot on ATMs to trap your bank card. Once you have left the machine, they can remove the device and steal your card.
Distractions: criminals can distract you to steal your cash or card when you look away. Sometimes they replace your card with a similar one, so that you don’t notice.