Protect your business

What the Authorised Push Payment Scam Code means to your business

What is an ‘APP scam’?

An APP scam is when you are tricked into making one or more payments to a different person, or for a different purpose, from the one you meant.

From 7th October 2024, new regulatory requirements will come into place to refund protected* customers who become the victim of an APP scam. These protections will apply to UK electronic payments made on or after 7th October 2024. 

We’ll update this page with more information a little bit closer to that date.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to investigate all scams on a case-by-case basis, and in line with the APP Scam Code as we do today. The APP Scam Code will continue to apply to in-scope payments that are made up to and including 6th October 2024.

How the APP Scam Code will protect you

Under the APP Scam Code customers who are protected will be fully reimbursed if they fall victim to an APP scam, provided they did everything expected of them under the Code.

How does the APP Scam Code apply to Business and Commercial customers?

The APP Scam Code applies to:

  • All personal customers.
  • Charities with an annual income of less than £1 million.
  • Micro-enterprises – an enterprise which employs fewer than 10 people and whose annual turnover and annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 2 million.

The APP Scam Code does not cover:

  • Any payments completed before the APP Scam Code came into force on 28 May 2019.
  • Any disputes relating to unauthorised payments (such as where the customer has not consented to the payment) or other payments which are not related to an APP Scam. This is a fraud and will be covered by other regulation.
  • Commercial disputes, for example, where a customer has paid a legitimate supplier for goods, services or digital content but has not received them, or they are in some way defective.
  • Payments made overseas. The APP Scam Code applies to UK customers and UK Sterling payments only.

Think you’ve been the victim of a scam? We can help you.

The APP Scam Code has been launched to help those who have lost money due to a scam.

This guide explains how the APP Scam Code works.

Protection from fraud and scams

Technology advances bring many benefits, such as online and mobile banking. However, in an increasingly digital world, technology also allows criminals to become more sophisticated.

That is why we were one of the founding members of a group of banks which established the ‘Authorised Push Payment (APP) Scam Code’. We are one of eight member banks who have signed up to this voluntary code. 

What is the difference between a fraud and a scam?


A fraud is where you have identified suspicious activity on your account, this may be regarding a transaction that you didn’t knowingly make or an update to your contact details that wasn’t done by you.

Information Message


A scam is where you have knowingly parted with your money and/or personal details with the expectation that you were dealing with a genuine person/company. 

Information Message

What we do to protect you against scams

Here are some of the things we already do to protect you against scams:

In our Online banking and Mobile app there are now warnings & advice when you pay money to a new payee.

In higher risk circumstances we may perform additional checks on payments that you request, often getting in touch to check details and give advice on the signs of a scam.

We educate you through promotion of the industry Take 5 initiative to raise awareness of scams and how to deal with them.

Our colleagues are trained to spot payments which customers believe to be genuine but are actually scams.

Find out more on our approach to fraud prevention page.

Helping you spot scams and keep yourself safe

We have a lot of advice on our website to help you understand common scams and what to look out for. Scammers are always changing tactics, so it's important to stay up to date with these. 

Visit our Security Centre homepage for general advice on how to stay safe and secure. 

What to do if you think you are the victim of a scam

If you believe you've been the victim of a scam, or you're in contact with someone you think is trying to scam you, please contact our dedicated reporting lines.

Frequently asked questions

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