What is a One Time Passcode?
To protect our customers we have replaced the static password with the One Time Passcode, as it is a more secure way of verifying online transactions.
When shopping online you will no longer need to enter a password, most transactions will simply go straight through after being checked by the bank.
For some transactions you may be asked to enter a One Time Passcode online which we will send to you. You can select whether you wish this passcode to be sent to your mobile, email address or via a voice message to your landline. To ensure you can complete online purchases quickly it is essential that you keep your contact details up to date, so if verification is requested we can send you a One Time Passcode.
You can update your contact details via Digital Banking by using your card-reader.
How long is a One Time Passcode valid for?
A One Time Passcode is specific to the current transaction and it is valid for 8 minutes from the time that it is sent to you.