Shape Up Your Savings

Resolution #1 of 5 Shape up your savings

Everyone wants to save more, but we know that it's not always that easy to do.

That's why we provide the easy access Instant Saver account and a very handy online tool to help you build up achieve your goal.

Whether you're saving for the deposit on your first home, money for your next holiday or simply for a rainy day - we can help you.

Easy to open and easy to use... Instant Saver Account

Have easy access to your savings and move money around instantly with Online Banking and Mobile Banking.

You also have access to a person in any of our branches or our helpful telephone advisers who can help you manage your savings with us.

Open an Instant Saver account
Already have an account, but haven't started saving..? Savings Goal Tool helps you save

The Savings Goal Tool helps thousands of people to save every day.

Just put in some info about what you're savings for and it help you to keep track of how well you are doing in building up that pot of cash whatever you're planning to use it for.

Win a holiday: Set up a Savings Goal in January
Start Saving Now Easy Access Instant Saver
Applying Is Easy
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